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Science-based communications for the world’s biggest challenges


"Saving our planet is now a communications challenge”

David Attenborough

The Problem

The world’s most pressing communications challenges are not being tackled
Planetary health is not yet seen as a public health issue, so progress is slow and underfunded
Advertising and Marketing are continuing a business as usual approach, fuelling  overconsumption and damaging the planet.
An outdated industry
Creative and communications agencies are reactive, waiting for briefs from brands to help
them sell more of their product or service.
The will but not the way
Marketers are busy, even those with the best intentions who want to work on campaigns with a purpose beyond profit, just don’t have the time.
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The Solution

Planet Partners: a coalition of communication experts who collaborate with climate scientists to proactively create and answer the communication briefs that the world needs tackling

We need a radically different approach that harnesses the skills of the best in Advertising and Marketing and helps them intentionally refocus for people and the planet.

How it works

We specialise in crafting transformative, people and planet-centric creative campaigns based on real need and scientific data - that we take fully formed and tested to brands and purpose-driven investors. 


These partners have the unique opportunity to sponsor or co-sponsor the production and dissemination of the campaigns, a model that helps them advance their environmental goals as well as providing reputational benefits - all while eliminating the usual burdens of resources, time, and energy

What's the process?
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The Process

1. We work with climate scientists and NGOs to identify communications challenges and author the briefs to meet them.


2.  We use collaborative, in-person workshops of communication and behaviour change experts to answer those briefs, checking the practicality, feasibility and costing of each one. 


3. We take the campaign ideas to potential partners (vetted* brands, family funds or grant givers) who can help bring them to life

What about partner benefits?

Why now?

We don’t have time!
The Climate Crisis is acute and only set to get worse. Attitudes and actions are not changing fast enough.
The power of creativity is underused
Storytelling is recognised as an essential driver of behaviour change and putting pressure on governments into take meaningful action - but is not currently being deployed in an effective way.
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A case study

The brief (using University of Sussex Climate Change data)

Sustainability is an area full of jargon and incomprehensible language and phrases stopping over 58% of people who say they care about the planet from engaging with important climate messages.

Planet Partners Approach
Convened a 1/2 day brainstorming workshop involving 12 people (creatives / brand marketers / strategists / PR experts / technologist / behaviour change scientists.

Integrate Sustainability as a new language that can be learned on the Duolingo platform using their gamification techniques.

We approached Duolingo making the business case for them support the idea. They love and have signed off the concept which will now be escalated through the company with a view to Planet Partners and Duolingo in house resource co-creating the campaign and communications around it, together.

Partner benefits

We create ideas that are good for our partners AND the planet – it’s always a win-win.

Funds dedicated to helping make a positive impact, can invest in communications, a much overlooked but vital driver to change public attitudes and behaviour and put pressure on policy makers to adopt more progressive policies.

Vetted Brands who want to can get involved in world class, purpose-led campaigns without having to do the heavy-lifting or using precious time, resource and money to develop them. With other non-competing partners, they can simply fund or co-fund the production and distribution with the strategy and creative already completed.
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It's time to partner for change

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Advisory Partners

We have assembled a dynamic advisory panel of top-tier experts specialising in climate science, Earth systems, psychology, and behavioural change. 

This team’s core mission is to identify and prioritise communication challenges.

Our seasoned strategists then transform these urgent issues into detailed briefs, setting the stage for our creative workshops.

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